Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Is acupuncture good for wrist pain?

I am a 30 year old male and I have wrist pain. Is acupuncture good for wrist pain?

29 Answers

Acupuncture with massage and probably herbs should be a good treatment for wrist pain.
yes. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
Yes! Very good for this.
Yes, acupuncture can help with wrist pain.
Yes, it is useful to help decrease swelling and inflammation as well as muscle recovery and increasing circulation to the area; this aids in the healing process.
Yes. Acupuncture worked well for quite a lot of people with wrist pain.
Yes, acupuncture can relieve most pains.
Yes definitely.
Acupuncture is really effective for wrist pain and worth a try. Give acupuncture a few treatments and should see good improvement.
Often yes, acupuncture can help for wrist pain!
Acupuncture can relieve wrist pain, but we have to check which reason causes your muscle problems first, then used a tiny needle to reduce local anti-inflammatory at the wrist.
Absolutely. Try to find an acupuncturist that uses a cold laser. Acupuncture is effective as well.
For sure it helps.
Yes, acupuncture is good for releasing muscle tension and pain.
Acupuncture treatments can definitely benefit wrist pain and other physical pain in the body. Effectiveness of treatments depends on how chronic the pain is and also the duration of the pain. I hope the answer was helpful.
Yes. There are new studies out on how good acupuncture is for carpal tunnel as well.
Acupuncture can help with wrist pain by promoting blood circulation around the area where the pain is. Acupuncture can help bring fresh blood to the area around where the pain is and can help with expediting the healing process.
Yes, any pain no matter biomedical diagnosis.
Acupuncture is good for wrist pain.

Yours in Health,

Hello! Yes, acupuncture can treat wrist pain.
Yes, it is good for wrist pain.
Yes, acupuncture can help with wrist pain. It can address the underlying root issue of wrist pain.
Yes, acupuncture can be helpful to treat wrist pain.

Absolutely. Acupuncture is very effective in treating all types of pain.
Yes, acupuncture is a good choice for any kind of pain - including wrist pain.

For the best results, please make sure you see someone licensed as an acupuncturist in your state. Outside CA, you can use the "Find a Practitioner" lookup at to get a list of local providers.