“Is a breast enlargement safe?”
I'm 24 years old, and I would like to have surgery to increase the size of my breasts. Is this generally safe?
12 Answers
Hello, all surgeries are safe if you are healthy, and go to a proper surgeon. In particular, breast augmentation is very safe. You can visit my website at DrRoya.com for further information.
It is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures. Yes, it is safe provided that you are well aware of breast size selected and the type of implant that you purchase.
As with any type of surgery, there are certainly risks with breast surgery. Your surgeon should discuss all of the risks before surgery. Many breast surgeries are performed without any more complications giving the patient greater self esteem.
This is a very straight forward operation which I perform on a regular basis taking an hour to an hour and a half, out patient with a several day recovery.
Results are great and recovery uneventful. Exercise is limited during the first two weeks.
Results are great and recovery uneventful. Exercise is limited during the first two weeks.
Breast surgery is safe when performed by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and it was the most common cosmetic surgical procedure in the U.S. last year with more than 2 300,000 procedures having been performed.
The short answer is, yes. However, safety means that is breast implant is placed in optimum condition: right patient selection, board certified plastic surgeon, reliable implant selection, and accredited facility used. If breast augmentation is done in less than optimum conditions, like any other procedure, no, it won’t be safe.
Azita Madjidi, MD
Azita Madjidi, MD
Like any surgery that is invasive and requires anesthesia and pain mangement there are inherent risks. However, a breast enlargement, when performed by a Board Certified plastic surgeon has a very low risk profile and is generally considered safe. What has to be assessed by any patient are the long term implications and possible complications of inserting a foreign material, in this case silicone breast implants, into the body to enhance breast size for whatever reason, be it cosmetic or reconstructive.
You have to have a frank and thorough consultation with your surgeon before ANY elective procedure.
Dr. Louis Mes
You have to have a frank and thorough consultation with your surgeon before ANY elective procedure.
Dr. Louis Mes
Thank you for posting your question:
Breast augmentation is overall a very safe procedure. For information that may be pertinent to your health history needs to be taken into consideration at a consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in the area of the country or world you live in.
Breast augmentation is overall a very safe procedure. For information that may be pertinent to your health history needs to be taken into consideration at a consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in the area of the country or world you live in.
If by "safe" you mean there are no risks then, no, it is not "safe." If you mean that complications tend to be mild and are uncommon, then the answer becomes yes. No surgical procedure is ever truly 100% safe. Breast augmentation is a very common, popular cosmetic procedure that usually produces good results and very happy patients. Prospective patients need to be fully informed about the surgery and this includes a thorough discussion of the risks and downside of the procedure.