Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Weight loss

Is it harder to lose weight with type 2 diabetes?

I'm trying to lose weight because it's really the cause of my diabetes, but I feel like it's not really working. I changed my diet and I exercise at least 2 times a week. Is it harder to lose weight with type 2 diabetes?

4 Answers

No, is not at all hard to lose weight with type II diabetes. The bottom line is, you need to eat less than you burn. That is the Alpha Omega of any weight loss scenario. Anyone who tells you differently is trying to sell you something.
Losing weight is not that simple. It takes discipline in lifestyle of living. Not only the food you eat and food combination, but also what you drink and when to drink, how you exercise, how you sleep and when to sleep, your vitamin D level, the best source is sunlight, learn to manage your stress also, etc.
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The answer is Yes it is harder to lose Wt. if you have diabetes. This is because you have a gene for diabetes which acts like a conserver of energy gene. Experts in the field think we evolved a gene to conserve energy & store far because in olden times we did not always have food available. So when times of famine came, it was the people with this gene who survived & thus passed on the gene. We have plenty of food now so we don't need the gene but we have it & it makes losing wt. harder. When you restrict calories, the body thinks there is a famine & turns on the gene. You can lose wt. though with a vigorus program. There are several new drugs available to control appetite & you may need to increase your exercise. Please see your Dr. for one of the newer meds ( I prefer a long acting GLP 1 drug such as Trulicity or Ozempic though Victoza will also work. These drugs were made to control blood sugar but have been found to also alter appetite ( I have lost 20# taking Ozempic once a week). See your DR. & also see a dietician & if available an exercise specialist (the YMCA is a good place at a cheap price to get both). But it can be done & will improve your health & well being.