Oncologist Questions Oncologist

is it possible to have breast cancer young?

I am 14 years old and my breasts are hard and lumpy. I’m worried it might be breast cancer but i don’t know if i can get it this young and in both breasts.

Female | 14 years old
Complaint duration: a year

2 Answers

You are a 14-year-old girl who is concerned about her breasts and concerned that your findings may represent cancer. I think that it would be unusual for an adolescent girl to develop breast cancer. It is unclear if your changes are related to your menstrual cycles. It is not uncommon for young women to develop fibrocystic changes in their breasts that often change during their menstrual cycles. Often these cystic changes are hormonally responsive and may increase just prior to starting their periods. A good place to find more information is online at www.kidshealth.org. Search on breast lumps in teenaged girls. There is a good discussion of physical changes that can occur in young women during their menstrual cycles. However, it would also be advisable for you to see your doctor, pediatrician or a gynecologist for an exam and to talk about the findings that you are experiencing. Good luck.
Generally, the youngest we tend to see breast cancer is above 20.  You are probably just fibrocystic.