“Is using Q-tips dangerous for your ears?”
I am a 28 year old female and I use Q-tips almost every night. Is using Q-tips dangerous for your ears?
1 Answer
It can be. I've seen several people that were startled or pushed while using one and they pushed the qtip through their eardrum.The rule of thumb is that you're not supposed to put anything in your ear that's smaller than your elbow, which means nothing :)The ear canal is a self-cleaning mechanism. As skin cells are produced from the tympanic membrane outward, the skin brings any wax or debris out of your ear canal with it, which will naturally wash out when you bathe. Ear wax only produces at the outer third if the ear canal, so it shouldn't be deep in the ear canal. One way it gets there is by a qtip pushing it in deeper. That's one reason why qtip use is discouraged because it may push wax in further rather than really getting much out. Having said that, I use qtips to clean my pinna and the opening of my ear canal, but I don't push it in deeply. So, you can use qtips, but be careful. Alternatively, use a towel to clean out the front and back of pinna and opening of ear canal after you bathe. Hope that helps :)Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone