Family Practitioner Questions Family Practitioner

Lower abdomen pain?

Hello, my lower abdomen hurts a bit, there are times when the left side of belly hurt as well when I apply pressure on my abdomen it hurts. I feel like I want to go to the bathroom but I can't. There is something hard in the lower abdomen and when I put pressure on it I feel like I want to use the bathroom. What can I do?

Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 20 days

3 Answers

Lower abdominal pain that you can press on and it reproduces the pain can be one of many different things. You describe pressing also triggers the start of what feels like a bowel movement. Would need to ask more questions, check for a fever, and do a physical exam to see if you have normal bowel sounds, pain on pressing, and exactly where that pain is located. Possible diagnoses include: muscle tear, constipation, hernia, bowel obstruction, and for females, something to do with the ovaries, like a cyst. In extreme pain with a fever, the appendix is always a possible culprit, as well. Head to an Urgent Care for specific evaluation.

Good Morning,

Sounds like you are having difficulty with constipation. There are several simple things you can try:

1. Drink more water. At least 6-8 full 8 oz glasses daily.
2. Eat more fiber, especially soluble, non-fermentable fiber. So, try bran containing cereals. Eat one bowl every day.
3. Exercise more. Try walking daily 20-30 minutes
4. Drink coffee, especially caffeinated coffee. This helps to stimulate your large bowel.
5. Take Senna, an herbal laxative.
6. Eat probiotic foods or take probiotic supplements. Yogurt like Activia is a good choice and can be eaten daily.

Hope this helps!


Dr. B
Use a laxative, drink plenty of water, and if in 48 hours you are not feeling better, go see your doctor. If you have blood in the stool or a fever, seek medical attention.