OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) | Reproductive Endocrinology Questions OB-GYN

Menstural period?

In August 2019, I had my period for three weeks. I went to the doctor and they said they would put me on birth control if it happened again. My periods shorten to 5 days long and was regular. I started my first ever job on Monday and I had my period from June 15-25 which was longer than usual. I brushed it off and was off my period until June 30. My period came back with two days of cramping and heavy flow as compared to my light flow. it’s lightening up today July 4 should I go to the doctor or no. I don’t want to catch COVID.

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days

2 Answers

Yes, you can call your doctor. Since you already had a plan to start birth control if it happened again they may be able to prescribe it over the phone.

Please try to have a pelvic scan. Since you are young, this will take time to solve.