Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

More of an opinion than a question?

I wanted to ask a question. Anyway, I have a cyst on my back shoulder kinda-it flared up the first time. I went to a recommended dermatologist, she lanced and drained it and told me no guarantee it won't come back. Well, it did. I went to a different dermatologist and she looked at it and said she thought just taking an antibiotic would clear it is sorta clearing up. Is that right or will I be in the same situation I was in before? I was told the core (or whatever) has to be removed. Will the antibiotics remove the core?

Female | 62 years old
Complaint duration: 6 days
Medications: Antibiotics? Keflex
Conditions: PAIN & inflammation

4 Answers

The correct answer is that a cyst needs to be surgically removed as there is a sac under that needs to be removed to cure this
It likely needs removal by surgery.

Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD, FAAD

The doctor will likely have to see consult the cyst in-person to see the extent of it.


Dermatology Staff of: Janet Vafaie, MD, FAAD
No, the antibiotics are necessary to clear the infection but will not remove the “core”. It should be excised in about 6 weeks.

Debra L Bailey, MD, FAAD
2350 Vanderbilt Beach Road
Suite 301
Naples, FL 34109
239.444.DERM (3376)