“Why do my feet hurt every time I run?”
I have recently started running to lose weight. But every time I run half a mile, I end up with this awful pain in both of my feet, which cuts down my pace. What could be the reason for this?
22 Answers
Do you have flat feet or high arches? What type of shoes are you using? Are you using any orthotics? Schedule an appointment with a podiatrist to be evaluated.
Depends on where pain is. If you have not been very active and have started a new routine, you can cause some tendonitis. Make sure your shoe gear is appropriately fitted and you are not wearing shoes that are old and worn out. Go slow and low distance. You may need to start with a light jog or fast walk first and build up to a run.
You probably have a foot deformity with an associated muscle bone imbalance that is aggravated with the added high impact stress --running..
You need to see your local Podiatrist for an evaluation.
You need to see your local Podiatrist for an evaluation.
Some people get pain in their feet when running from an exercise induced increase in compartment pressure near their tarsal tunnel. (More blood pumping and muscle fullness in that area) Some just from poor foot biomechanics. A simple fix can be to wear knee high compression socks snd possibly add in an orthotic or arch support to reduce the pressure in that area. It is important to see a local podiatrist to get the right diagnosis and treatment plan as this is a very general question and response. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S8.
I usually recommend weight loss first before increasing weight bearing activity. If you cannot control diet, psychological and surgical methods are available. It is very hard to work off calories if you are overweight. Look at a chart comparing miles run and calories burned. Also, being heavy damages weight bearing joints. Take weight loss seriously, cut calories; it’s also cheaper.
It could be your shoe wear. You have to have supportive shoes on when you run and often orthotics inside the shoes to support your feet
Without an examination and foot X-ray, it’s difficult to diagnose with certainty. However, potential causes may be: biomechanical, stress fracture, poor/ill fitting and/or genetics.
Without an examination and foot X-ray, it’s difficult to diagnose with certainty. However, potential causes may be: biomechanical, stress fracture, poor/ill fitting and/or genetics.
Is the pain in the heel and arches? This could mean straining and micro-tears in the plantar fascial tissues, often known as plantar fasciitis.
The pain is likely due to overuse of muscles of the feet and legs. The best option is to be evaluated by a foot and ankle specialist to determine the exact cause of your pain and to develop a treatment plan that will work best for you.
May need better support. I would go to a qualified Running store to be fit for proper shoes. May also be some fatigue due to conditioning. Start with better shoes, arch supports, and slow progression to running. You need to condition for running.
There can be many reasons that you have pain in your feet when running. It could be related to the shoes you are wearing that may or may not be supportive enough. It could also be due to the fact that you are not doing adequate stretching preparation for the run and or possibly running on a hard surface like sidewalk or concrete. This can also lead to problems. I would recommend you see a sports podiatrist as soon as possible to reduce the chance of injury and allow you to enjoy a comfortable run.
It is difficult to give you a definitive answer without being able to evaluate your feet. My suggestion is to be sure your shoes fit well and to consult a podiatrist in your area for a complete examination.
I would have your feet checked out by a professional, there could be so many reason your feet are bothering you after running. It could be your shoes, plantar fasciitis, arch pain, tendon issues, etc.
There are many possible reasons for what you are describing. You need a biomechanical evaluation to address your problem.
It could be many things. Most likely if running is a new thing for you, your feet need to adjust.
Flat feet and high arch feet may hurt with running. Arch supports or custom-made orthos is my help. How old are your sneakers? Old shoes can be a big reason for foot pain with running. See a podiatrist, get a good biomechanic exam.
Flat feet and high arch feet may hurt with running. Arch supports or custom-made orthos is my help. How old are your sneakers? Old shoes can be a big reason for foot pain with running. See a podiatrist, get a good biomechanic exam.
You may be experiencing symptoms that are usually associated with abnormal subtalar and midtarsal joint pronation on closed kinetic chain ambulation or while running. I would recommend that you purchase a pair of "Powerstep full length Orthotics" and try wearing them in your shoe to help control and/or decrease in the abnormal pronation. You can purchase Power Step Orthotics online at Amazon. They are sized to regular shoe size (e.g. if you wear a size 9 medium in a male, then look at the size chart for your particular shoe size). I prescribe Power Step Orthotics which are pre-fabricated devices that tend to work well and are reasonably priced. Since most individuals can afford to buy custom made orthotics that can cost between $200.00 - 450.00 and most insurance plans don't cover orthotics.
It could be the fact that you’re doing too much too quickly. Or you have flat feet and over use of muscles and tendons. Inserts may be a good idea.
This is particularly difficult to answer without an exam, but there are many reasons that your feet may hurt when you run. It could be your weight. It could also be pronation and Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (which are elements and symptoms of having a flat foot). You should see a Podiatrist to see exactly what kind of dysfunction you might have with your feet and how best to correct these issues
The most common reason is overuse due to increased pronation, depending on your foot type. The shoe gear usually has a big role as well. As a general rule, stiffer running shoe are better than soft, cushioned, and flat shoes. Some of the more stable shoes out there are runner shoes like New Balance, Asics, Brooks, etc. It would be better to have an evaluation done by a specialist to identify the underlying problem and treat it properly.