OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Menstruation

Why does my period last longer than they did before?

Since I delivered my second baby, my periods last up to seven days, when before they only lasted for four. They are also heavier than they were before. Why is this happening?

6 Answers

You need a gynecologist to work up your issue. Many factors are involved with length and amounts of menstrual flow.
It is common for women to experience changes in their periods following having children, and unfortunately it is most common for the periods to be heavier or longer and sometimes irregular. It has to do with hormone changes that occur following childbirth and sometimes can be affected by weight changes if they aren’t able to lose the “baby” weight after having children. Menstrual cycles can be affected significantly by weight changes.
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You most likely have developed a uterine fibroid which occurre in approximately 20% of women as they age. These benign rumors often cause heavy periods. Ask your gynecologist for an ultrasound to confirm this diagnosis.
See gynecologist to rule out fibroids
This is most likely hormonal. Your cycles may return to the 4-5 days at some point. How old is your last baby?
It can be from multiple reasons: it can be hormonal imbalance, or there can be an underlying pathology. You need blood work and imaging and need to see your obgyn.