Naturopathic Physician Questions Gallbladder Stones

What is a naturopathic treatment for removing gall bladder stones?

My husband has been detected with a gallbladder stone for which the doctor has advised surgery. Is there a naturopathy treatment that can remove the stone without the surgery?

12 Answers

Hi, yes, there are. Some are supplements that help to break the stones, and others are treatments. However, because it can be tricky and needs to be closely monitored, and I’ve come across folks who have tried the treatments on their own after reading about them online (not always having a good outcome as it wasn’t done properly), I won’t be specifying anything further here for safety.
This depends on the size of the stone. If it is small enough, a blend of ingredients you may find in your kitchen pantry referred to as the "gallbladder flush" may help. I recommend doing this under the supervision of a naturopathic doctor or healthcare provider.

Dr. Krisel Nagallo, NMD
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Beet root! Capsules of powder must be taken frequently enough to dissolve them. Most brands 3 caps 3 times per day unless allergic or sensitive to supplements.
Hydrangea, apple cider vinegar, chanca piedra, and coconut oil.

Dr. Liz Naturally
Hi. It depends on the size of the stones. But there are alternatives to helping decrease the size and eliminating the stones. I would recommend you find a naturopathic doctor near you.
This is hard to answer without seeing his labs and imaging. People who have gallbladder 'sludge' or tiny stones can be helped dramatically with specific naturopathic treatments, dietary aids, and herbs. However, if the stone is too large, surgery may be the option he needs to have it resolved without permanently losing his gallbladder. I would always advocate for a safe removal and then address lifestyle issues after he recovers.
Let’s have a look at what you can do!
The best natural remedy known so far for gallstones, is extra virgin olive oil. There are two methods of use with olive oil. Firstly, taken internally and also applied externally warmed to a heat that will allow it transport easily through your skin. You can apply the oil direct to the gallbladder area then apply a warmed towel also taking in the abdominal area. The oil will seep through the pores of your skin that have been expanded with the heat and begin to dissolve the gallstones. Treatment may take several days.
Now for two continuous days drink pure organic apple juice 3 – 4 (150 ml glass size) per day. Adding 2 teaspoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Now reduce this on the third day to two glasses per day for two days, then 1 glass per day for the following week.
3rd Day Begin Lemon Juice – squeeze the juice of one lemon with 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil at the end of the second day. You should expect now for the gallstones to pass out of your system on the third day.
Foods to include that will support the process are apples, radishes, cherries, oranges, lemons (even once the stones have passed having a squeezed lemon in warm water every morning either continuing with the olive oil or flaxseed oil is great for a healthy gallbladder.)
Black organic plunger coffee is great for liver and gallbladder health.
Drink 2 – 21/2 litres of filtered water per day
During this process only eat a fresh food diet – eliminating dairy, animal fat, packaged/processed foods, fast foods, pastries, biscuits and cakes.
Additionally to support repair and rejuvenation of the gallbladder and liver. I make a formula using herbs such as dandelion, globe artichoke: golden seal: Chamomile, hops and cramp bark.
Hi there,

Gall bladder dysfunction is very related to methylation. Going forward, you really need to ensure that you are taking phosphatidylcholine.

You may not get enough relief from natural therapies, so discuss what your doctor recommends. Apple cider vinegar may help. Milk thistle or silybum marianum may help to treat liver and gallbladder issues. Acupuncture may help to relieve some of the pain from gallstones by reducing spasms, easing bile flow and restoring proper function.

Carolyn Ledowsky
I've seen some results with specific herbs in conjunction with acupuncture. This is something that should be taken care of as soon as possible whether it is conventional alternative because it could lead to serious complications if it ends up stuck in one of the ducts.
The complicated part here is it depends on the size of the stones. If the stones are larger than the bile duct on imaging then you ABSOLUTELY should never attempt to "flush the stones" as you can cause the stone to block the bile duct which is a medical emergency. You can try to help dissolve them if it is sludge or they are very small with Phosphytidylecholine, Oxbile, Apple Cidar Vinegar, Taurine, Lipotropics. Conventionally there is also a medication called ursodeoxycholic acid or chenodeoxycholic acid.

Depending on the size of the gallstones, there are some supportive naturopathic treatments that can help w/reducing the size of the gallstones over time, along with certain dietary support. I would recommend reaching out to your local ND in your area for support.
Gall Stone Cleanse
Stones Clear


Hydrangea Root, Gravel Root, Marshmallow Root, Goldenrod Leaf, Structured Water and 20% Alcohol. Vegetable Glycerin would replace the alcohol for alcohol free tinctures.


Use 30 drops in mouth, juice or water. May be taken 3 times daily. Shake well. Store in cool dark place.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Keep out of reach of children.

Drink an olive oil and lemon juice concoction. The olive oil lubricates and soothes your urethral passages while the high acidity of the lemon juice breaks down the crystal aggregations, clearing your urethral passages of kidney stones. Drink this mixture once a day before going to bed. If stone pain is detected, mix 2 oz. olive oil with 2 oz. lemon juice,drink straight down and then drink a large glass of water. Stones should pass within 24 hours. Drink organic raw apple cider vinegar. The high acidity of apple cider vinegar breaks up your kidney stones and allows them to easily pass from your body through your urine. Drink 5 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar (ACV) daily, preferably 30 minutes before meals, diluted to your taste in water. Drink a lot of water. Increasing your water consumption prevents new kidney stones from forming, while softening existing ones. Drink twelve full glasses of water a day to cleanse your urinary system of kidney stones.