Cardiothoracic Surgeon Questions Open Heart Surgery

What are the risks of an open heart surgery for a hypertension patient?

My father, who is 78 years old, is due for an open heart surgery. He also suffers from hypertension, which makes me really worried for his operation. What are the risks involved in his surgery?

5 Answers

Open heart surgery is very safe nowadays with good results. Majority of patients who undergo heart surgery have high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes which shouldn’t affect the results.
Anesthesia will monitor him carefully. He could have a complication depending what his blood pressure is
Although open heart surgery is a serious operation with risks, there are many other factors more important which will affect his outcome. Hypertension alone carries little risk in open heart surgery.
Not sure what open heart operation he is having, but some of the typical risks include infection, bleeding, stroke, renal insufficiency, wound problems, and arrhythmias. I am sure the surgical team will do what it can so your family member does well.
Most heart patients have accosiated hypertension. It is a little bit higher than a person without hypertension but not by much.