OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Pap Smear

Is it okay to have a pap smear test when I have my period?

I have an appointment for my pap smear test in two days and that will be the fourth day of my period. Is it okay to have the test while I am still bleeding?

7 Answers

It is best to do in between period to get the cell reading better.
Pap is not appropriate, but screen for HPV is okay.
Pap smear is to see cells from the cervix. Mixed with blood makes it difficult to differentiate malignant cells, so it's not a good idea when you are bleeding.
Yes, if it is not heavy bleeding, you should be okay.
No pap test is to check cervical cells while menstrual blood has endometrial cells l would suggest until menses has stopped
If your bleeding is light, yes it is okay.
Depends on your physician. Sometimes you do not get enough cells and you might have to have a repeat Pap smear. I usually talk to my patients about it. Most are okay to go ahead with the Pap smear and get another Pap smear if needed.

Take care!