Physical Therapist Questions Collarbone pain

My wife has a pain in her collar bone. Can physical therapy help her?

My wife has been suffering from severe pain in her collarbone even when she is taking medication. The pain is only getting worse. Can physical therapy be of any help?

6 Answers

Physical therapy can help alleviate collarbone pain by addressing muscle imbalances, improving posture, and promoting healing through targeted exercises. If the pain persists despite medication, a physical therapist can evaluate her condition and guide her through a rehabilitation program to reduce pain, improve mobility, and prevent further injury. It’s important to consult a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis.
Yes, physical therapy can be very helpful in treating collarbone pain. A physical therapist can assess your wife's condition and develop a personalized treatment plan to address the underlying cause of her pain.
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Our Physical Therapist can. I am not sure if other clinics can.
If your wife had not experienced a fall of any sort or presenting with any other limitations such as difficulty lifting or moving her shoulder, then she may be best suited for a pain management specialist. Check with your primary care or internist to rule out any insidious conditions. All the best.
Yes, there may be a musculoskeletal issue occurring that can be easily remedied with a few treatments from a PT that is skilled in manual treatment.
Yes! Find a physical therapist that is based in manual care that does joint mobilizations. Physical Therapy will help big time! At Ke Ola Kino Physical Therapy, I have helped many people with collar bone pain.