Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) Questions Stroke Rehabilitation

What is rehabilitation like after a stroke?

My husband suffered from a stroke earlier this month. He is still in the hospital to recover, and I watch him in his physical therapy and occupational therapy sessions. He's set to go out of the hospital next week, but I'm worried about how his rehab will be after he's discharged. What will rehab be like for him after he's discharged?

5 Answers

If you don't feel he's safe yet to come home you can request more therapy in a skilled nursing facility. He will get more therapy there than if he has services at home
Usually after acute rehab, there is home health or outpatient therapy. The therapist at the hospital will make recommendations based on your husband's status prior to discharge, and usually the hospital will arrange the appropriate therapy prior to discharge. Make sure you have a physical medicine and rehabilitation practitioner that you can follow up with as they can help with your husband's future rehab needs.
You have already begun asking the right questions and I invite you to read:

It is from the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation on stroke care after your initial hospital stay (Post-acute). You will find very helpful information.
Hello, the rehabilitation of a patient after a stroke is based upon the patient's needs and deficits related to the CVA. In general many patients will need admission to a rehabilitation hospital or unit once they are stable to be discharged from acute hospital setting. At a rehabilitation unit they will receive physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy if needed. Goals are established for each patient depending on their current functional status and neurologic status. Patient may times will continue to require therapy at home and eventually at a therapy center. You can talk to his physician and to the person in charge of his discharge planning in the hospital to assess if a rehabilitation unit admission is the next step for your husband at this point.
I am very sorry to hear this about your beloved husband. Prior to leaving the hospital, please make sure rehab is in place for his ongoing recovery at home. A social worker is usually there to help, but check with your insurance to see how many times he can have rehab. It may mean you have to take him to a facility. Usually, rehab continues on an out-patient basis, but you must ascertain this prior to discharge. Patients continue to do well if they continue their exercises. Do get all the facts written down prior to discharge; do not just assume and, as I said, please check with insurance.

Wishing you well.