Cardiologist Questions Bypass Surgery

Are there any risks involved in a bypass surgery with a major blockage?

My father has been recommended a bypass surgery because of a major blockage. He is currently 62 years old and has no other diseases. What could be the risks involved in his bypass?

7 Answers

There are risks but a lot less than leaving it alone. His surgeon will discuss the risks with him and you could arrange to be in on that meeting.
Heart attach, bleeding. Surgeon can explain the complications. You must ask before surgery.
If your father was recommended to have bypass surgery and was deemed not a candidate for non-surgical options such as Stent/angioplasty or medical treatment and the surgeon is in agreement with the cardiologist, that means his risk of not having surgery is much higher than the risk of surgery, then he is more likely to benefit from the surgery.
In an expert's hands, in this country, major risks of bypass surgery in otherwise healthy patients are much less than 1 percent.
Stroke, heart attack, death, infection, renal failure. All reported in any review of the procedure.

Stroke, heart attack, coming off of vent and fluid accumulation in the lung, death are all the major risks. But if he had three vessel major blockage, risk of doing nothing is more than risks involved with the surgery.
Yes, failure and other complications, but can be life saving.