Dentist Questions Invisalign

Should I get Invisalign?

I'm really unhappy with my smile, and I see the commercials for Invisalign all the time on TV. Is this something that you recommend to your patients? If not, what is something that you recommend that will help straighten my teeth?

6 Answers

Invisalign and its use vary from patient to patient. Although often times it is useful, it is not always indicated. Sometimes braces or oral surgery are required. I would recommend seeing an orthodontist for evaluation and consultation to develop a treatment plan specific to your wants and needs.
You should see an orthodontist who is the specialist in the alignment and treatment of the teeth and Jaws and determine whether your case is simple enough to have a suitable resolution by Invisalign, or if you need a more classical approach involving full braces. Do not be misled by advertising that applies a simplistic approach to a difficult problem just because of slick marketing.
This is a complicated question. First what about your smile do you not like? Is it crowding, gaps, tooth color or tooth proportions? Invisalign will help with crowding, gaps and proportions. Color change can be accomplished by placing whitening gels in the Invisalign aligners. If the problem is tooth proportion, then Invisalign could be used in conjunction with veneers. If you do do Invisalign, be sure to get your bite adjusted at the end of treatment. It is often omitted but very important.
Invisalign is a good option if you have a smile that you are not happy with and you don't want to wear braces. Invisalign may not be an appropriate option depending on the extent of your malocclusion (bad bite) and the amount of correction you need. You may have to be happy with a compromised result if you insist on invisalign treatment an your orthodontist recommends braces.
For a responsible adult patient Invisalign braces are excellent solution.They are clear, easy to remove and can be taken out to eat and brush and eat. Unless you have a surgical, difficult orthodontic case you should consult for clear braces.
Invisalign is an excellent option in certain cases. I am having Invisalign done on my own mouth. Having said that, it is not ALWAYS the best option. You owe it to yourself to have a frank discussion with your dentist about what your goals are for your smile. He or she should be able to point you in the right direction.

Good luck,

Robert C. Evans, Jr., DDS