“Should I see a chiropractor for neck pain?”
I am a 29 year old male and I have neck pain. Should I see a chiropractor for neck pain?
10 Answers
A Chiropractor can screen you for Chiropractic related neck pain. However there are other conditions that could cause neck pain.
You definitely should if: Your neck pain doesn't get better after a couple of days. You can't look left or right without severe pain. If pain radiates down your arm. If fingers getting "funny feelings". If you have to use over-the-counter pain medication to function and it does not help.
A large percent of patients who go to Chiropractic are there for neck pain.
This sound on the surface like an easy question to answer, but in fact it is the most difficult to answer. The process of evaluating any condition begins with the consultation. When did the problem start? What was the initiating incident that caused the problem? Was there in prior problems with the area of complaint including adjacent areas? With the neck this means the shoulders, upper and mid back. In most cases there are additional questions. Then begins the examination which includes palpation, range of motion, orthopedic tests and possible imaging tests. All of these go into determining the diagnosis, need for additional evaluations, need for treatment and establishing a treatment plan. Finally evaluating effects of the treatments. This is a simplified statement of what need to be done for any condition and then now long it takes to receive results will become apparent.
This sound on the surface like an easy question to answer, but in fact it is the most difficult to answer. The process of evaluating any condition begins with the consultation. When did the problem start? What was the initiating incident that caused the problem? Was there in prior problems with the area of complaint including adjacent areas? With the neck this means the shoulders, upper and mid back. In most cases there are additional questions. Then begins the examination which includes palpation, range of motion, orthopedic tests and possible imaging tests. All of these go into determining the diagnosis, need for additional evaluations, need for treatment and establishing a treatment plan. Finally evaluating effects of the treatments. This is a simplified statement of what need to be done for any condition and then now long it takes to receive results will become apparent.
YES! Pain along the spinal column in your neck is usually caused by misalignment of your vertebrae. A small misalignment can cause pain by causing pressure on nerves. Left untreated, these misalignment can cause muscle spasms and increasing pain. Chiropractic adjustments properly align your spine so that pressure on joints and nerves is released. It is a direct treatment for the cause of the pain, not a temporary relief like pain relievers or massage.