“Should I wear glasses all the time for myopia?”
I am a 39 year old female. I want to know if I should wear glasses all the time for myopia?
8 Answers
Depending on the amount of myopia you may only need to wear them for certain activities or all the time. Your doctor can help you identify when you should be wearing your glasses.
Depending on your myopic prescription, it is advisable to wear your glasses full-time to experience clear and comfortable vision. However, there are exceptions, such as some myopic individuals who are able to read at near without the use of his/her prescription glasses. At your age, you shouldn't expect too much a change in your distance prescription, but you can expect that your near/up close vision will begin to gradually change (it may start to fluctuate or get blurry when you read up close) due your lens in your eye weakening as you age.
Myopia is considered a refractive issue. As long as you can see what you need to see when you aren’t wearing them, it won’t hurt you to go without them. Make sure, if it is marked on your license, that you wear them to drive.
It depends on your prescription. Without this information, I would say yes, you should wear your glasses.
Not necessarily. It depends how much myopia you have. If it is mild and you can see well enough, you don't need to wear them. It will not affect the health of the eye. Over the next few years, you'll notice it's easier to read with the glasses off, most likely.
Anjum F. Koreishi, MD
Not necessarily. It depends how much myopia you have. If it is mild and you can see well enough, you don't need to wear them. It will not affect the health of the eye. Over the next few years, you'll notice it's easier to read with the glasses off, most likely.
Anjum F. Koreishi, MD