“Should I wear an ankle brace?”
I sprained my ankle during a game and it's starting to heal and feel normal again. I don't want to sprain my ankle again. Do you think a brace would help?
11 Answers
This is controversial. If this is a first sprain, and you have followed a proper restrengthening of the calf and ankle, then the brace would only hurt by weakening you. If you have suffered multiple sprains in a short amount of time (3 times in 1 month), it may be helpful short term.
An ankle brace will likely not prevent an ankle injury if you roll your ankle again, but it may limit the severity if you get injured. Only ankle exercises that work on both balance and strength and good running/jumping technique will prevent ankle sprains.
Braces are really more treatment than they are effective in preventing injuries. If you have a normal ankle a brace will likely not give you much benefit. If you play sports you’re taking a risk of injury no matter what you do.
Bracing has been shown to decrease recurrent sprains. I routinely recommend brace wear for my athletes for 3-4 months after healing especially if they are in a sport season. The research is so compelling that many college teams, such as women’s volleyball, require use of ankle braces in all their athletes regardless whether they have sprains or normal ankles!! Good luck!
I usually recommend playing with ankle brace for a few weeks after an initial ankle sprain. If you have had more than a few ankle sprains, then I would play with an ankle brace as much as possible.