Dentist Questions Teeth cleanings

Will frequent teeth cleanings remove spots from my teeth?

I have brownish spots on my teeth. Will frequent cleanings help me get rid of these spots?

25 Answers

Regular professional cleanings will help you keep your teeth and gums healthy. During the polishing (prophy or prophylaxis) any stains on the surface of the enamel will be removed. Such stains could be from the foods we eat, such as chocolate and wine or even from certain mouthrinses or from smoking. However, should the stains be engrained into the teeth or in the deeper layers, these spots will likely not come out. Have your dental professional team assess and advise you as there is always options in making your smile beautiful for you.
Unless it is from smoking or something that's exterior, otherwise, not likely
It depends. Some brown spots could be tartar or stain and certainly could be removed with a normal cleaning. Other brown spots are from an enamel defect during the formation of the tooth. If this is the case, no cleaning or whitening will remove it. There are ways to remove the stain, but a cleaning will not do it.
The brown spots on your teeth seem like they may be due to fluorosis. If that is the case, you might be able to lighten them a bit with whitening. I don't think just cleaning the teeth will get rid of these spots. Incidentally the spots could also be other things including tooth decay that would need to be addressed by a dentist. Ask your dentist next time you get your teeth cleaned.
It depends if they are surface stains or stains within the tooth. Those developmental stains can occur from medicines, fevers, trauma to the teeth and other sources. Ask you dentist what type of stains they are, and then you can decide if more frequent cleanings can help your situation.
The usual situations of brown spots are actually beginning cavities or pigmentations of coffee or nicotine from cigars/cigarettes. In the first situation it will be not possible to get rid of the just with cleaning, in the second yes. These brown spots can also be local demineralizations, too much fluorization, energy drink/drugs/frequent soda spots affecting the enamel. All of them are different and only a dentist can make the difference clinically. Unfortunately, most of these latter ones are in the structure of the enamel, so it will be not possible to remove them just with cleaning.
If they are internal and part of your enamel, then no. Cleaning removes only superficial surface stains like tea and coffee.
depends. if you drink lots of tea or coffee every day it may be difficult to remove. ask for a dental office with a prophyjet. this is more effective
What has your Dentist determined as the cause of your stains? This will determine the answer to your question. If your stains are intrinsic (Inherently inside the tooth structure),, they will not be removed with simple brushing. If they are extrinsic (caused by smoking, colored drinks, dark staining fruits), you may be able to have your Dentist or Hygienist remove them with professional instruments and polishing during your hygiene visit. Ask about it!
There is a possibility, however. It depends on the nature of how these spots developed. Frequent coffee and tea drinking can lead to staining such as this which can be removed. Also use of certain oral rinses, chlorohexidine for example, can lead to a buildup similar to this which can also be removed.
Brown spots may also be caused by use of certain medications during tooth development. These require treatment for increase of dental aesthetics. High fevers at certain ages in childhood can also lead to these spots which would require treatment.
A cavity that is no longer active may appear as a brown spot which would require treatment for removal of color.
To answer accurately, it depends on what has caused these spots in the first place.
If the spots are on the outside of the tooth, they can be cleaned off. If the spots are internal to the enamel itself, they cannot be cleaned off.
No. This is stain which is probably only helped with a whitening or restorative procedure.
No...unless they are minor stains like from tea
Brownish spots caused by tartar can be removed by brushing. For stubborn stains see your Dentist to get them removed professionally.
That depends on if they are superficial or if they are "in" the enamel. If they are on top of the enamel layer, a regular "cleaning" should take care of it. If the spots are "in" the enamel, you may need to do enamel microbrasion which is a treatment you can ask your dentist about. It uses a topical acidic solution and special deep cleansers followed by a remineralization step to remove or significantly decrease the appearance of brown stains.
Depends on what the "spots" are caused by. They can be calcifications, decalcification, stains etc...These can be very superficial that can be polished away or deeper into the enamel which could possibly be bleached or removed and filled. At your next check up let your dentist know your concerns and have them evaluate appropriate measures to remedy.
Probably not. Brown spots might be defects in the material of the tooth-enamel. It might indicate a disruption during the enamel forming stages. Episodes of high fever during the tooth forming ages or exposure to water with high fluoride have been known to cause these. They are harmless unless they happen to be attacked by bacterial activity. Physical evaluation is the best way to confirm any of this.
Depends on the spots. If they are superficial and, with cleaning, are removed, then yes. If not ,then you are looking at getting something else if you don’t like the look of them.
If the stain that you notice is underneath the enamel you'll need professional help to eliminate this. This is called enamel Genesis imperfecta just the fancy term to describe the steam being below the enamel and any amount of brushing will only produce loss of enamel which is precious. The dentist needs to evaluate these generalized areas of stain under the light and give you an idea how about how best to solve the problem
It depends on if the stains are superficial or related to development of the teeth. Cleanings will remove superficial staining as will whitening products. You may also want to consider an electric toothbrush if you are not already doing so.

Hope this helps.
If the spots are extrinsic, meaning they are from coffee or tea, or medication and are outside the enamel, yes, cleaning will remove the spots. If the stains are intrinsic, meaning inside the enamel, from medications taken from when the tooth was forming, no cleaning will not help. However, professional bleaching/ whitening can help.
It depends what the brownish spots are. If it is extrinsic stain due to drinking tea or coffee, polishing with a special material may remove it. Bleaching can also eliminate stains. But if the spots are intrinsic, they won’t come off.
Probably not, however, with some bleaching techniques and triage composition coverings, your problem could be mitigated for some time, assuming that you are talking about adult permanent teeth.
Hard to tell without examining you, but if the spots are due to inclusions in the enamel, frequent cleanings will not help. There are bleaching and other treatments to resolve the issue.