Chiropractor Questions upper back pain

upper back pain

Earlier today my car trunk (around 30 pounds) slammed on my upper back. I now have a constant pain with no bruising & a bad headache. i’ve taken ibuprofen/tylenol with no help. should i be concerned?

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: few hours
Medications: n/a
Conditions: n/a

14 Answers

Even small traumas like that can misalign the vertebrae in your back or irritate and old injury. I would happy to evaluate it for you if you would like. Just call my office at 7015325320
A course of conservative chiropractic care may help you.
You should probably get and exam and an exam ... you might have caused a small dislocation in you back

feel free to reach out
A little concerned, give it 48hrs if it's not better call my office 212 243 5515
You should go to an urgent care or the ER for an evaluation. You may have a concussion
Sounds like a severe sprain, strained with a knee, jerking forward and backwards post traumatic headache. Get checked you’re young the sooner you get checked the faster you get results but most importantly address any damages that could come back and hurt you in your 30s or 40s.

Most of our patients who suffer acute injuries are recommended to get HOME POSTURE KIT (from The seven items in this kit are hopeful and stabilizing the mid back so you avoid aggravating the injured area and neck cradle, as well as the ice and heat indicate will help with the headaches using the dynamic cushion and disk. It helps you reduce the pressure on the supporting mid back muscles.
If you need more help or support, don’t hesitate to contact us. Hope this was helpful

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Dr Romina 4243799357
IG- @DrRominaG
Please get yourself checked out as you could have imjur3d your spine.
Ice is your safest painkiller. 15 to 20 minutes at a time, an hour or two
in between. It's quite probable that the shoulder and rib joints can have
been disturbed. gotta see your chiropractor for this.
Yes, you need to get to the hospital and have an evaluation and imaging done! To rule out broken bones and spinal nerve injury!
I would recommend you go to urgent care for them to assess you and offer recommendations for treatment. If urgent care assesses you and determines no fracture, dislocation, or any other contra-indications for manual treatment, then I would get assessed by a chiropractor after that.
I believe your paraspinals and postural muscles have tightened/locked up and have gone into defense mode. It wouldn’t hurt to get checked out by a chiropractor to get adjusted and find one that does muscle work to help get those muscles moving again. Until you can get in to see one, I advise stretching your muscle out by laying over a foam roller or exercise ball on your back and applying heat for 20 mins on and 20 mins off. If you don’t have a foam roller or exercise ball, you can always take a tennis ball or some sort of ball that has give, put it between your back and wall and roll it around your muscles. A massage gun and running it along either side of your spine will help as well.

Thank you for your time!

Dr. Kortni Richards Smith
Owner IMS Chiropractic Clinic
(760) 285-3824

You should see a chiropractor who has an x-ray machine. There is a possibility that you fractured a spinous process. If so it will cause localized pain without bruising and just need time to heal. Also could have whiplash which will cause headaches and if left untreated lead to degeneration due to the stress it put on the joints.
Yes, you should be concerned. Go to Urgent Care, have an examination and X-rays taken. If there is no stress fracture or nothing odd, then consider seeing a doctor of chiropractic. The natural approach of chiropractic can facilitate the healing of soft tissue.
If you have a possible injury, I suggest you come in for an examination.