Psychologist Questions Psychologist

What are psychodynamic techniques?

I am a 32 year old male. I want to know what are psychodynamic techniques?

4 Answers

There are many, but it often involves exploring elements of potential unconscious content that has implications on our lives, though is not in our conscious awareness. After elements of the unconscious have been brought to the surface of conscious awareness, they can be processed, insight can be evoked, and you can work with it more adaptively (e.g., change patterns that need changing).
There are more than 100 psychodynamic techniques these days. Everyone seems to invent another. There are also "evidence based" practices which are based on little pin-pointed studies. There are no studies to date on an overview. I have written one, but no scientist wants to take on an overview. It's too big to measure. However, my overview utilizes the best research available. That's my prelude.
The primary techniques stem from the primary theories. I break the theories down to two causes. Some would say nature versus nurture, but I'd say pro-parent versus pro-child. In other words, some ignore childhood causes and some depend on understanding them. Mostly, today, there is an emphasis on inborn causes that ignore childhood experiences: behavioral modification, pharmaceuticals, positive thinking approaches; problem-solving; cognitive therapies, frontal lobotomies, shock therapy, Late-Freud analysis, etc.
Pro-child techniques include parenting education and prevention, Early Freud analysis, trauma recovery techniques (EMDR, somatic processing, rage reduction, empty chair conversations with the parent or offender), relationship skills training, etc.
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