OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

What are signs your water is about to break?

I am a 23 year old pregnant woman. I want to know what are signs your water is about to break?

4 Answers

It is difficult for a pregnant lady to save if her water is going to break or not. At times, people go into labor and their (amniotic sac) bag of water may be intact. Sometimes people have the bag of water broken, but are not in labor and undilated.
Hello and thank you for your question.

The signs of labor include contractions every 5-7min lasting longer than 2hrs and getting stronger and stronger, a gush of fluid or trickle of fluid from the vagina. If you experience any of these things you should head to the hospital for evaluation. Loss of mucous plug is another sign that labor is near. Once mucous plug is lost you could go into labor immediately or days later. The most consistent thing in pregnancy is time; time reveals all. No doctor has a crystal ball that can tell you exactly when you will go into labor or when your water will break, but time will tell all. Your water could also break prematurely or before labor even starts in the wake of an infection or trauma.
Hope this helps.

Dr. Cunningham
There aren't really signs but you may have leaking or sensation of moisture that would prompt you to be evaluated by your health care provider.
There are not typically signs until it breaks. Some may have contractions signaling the beginning of labor but the water can sometimes break before labor begins or during labor.