“What causes eye focusing problems?”
I am a 28 year old male. I have eye focusing problems. What causes eye focusing problems?
5 Answers
The lens in your eye is like the lens of a camera, but it is a bag of gel that is pulled on by a muscle inside your eye that changes the focus. As you age, the gel becomes hardened and crystallized, reducing the ability to focus well, but doesn't change the color or intensity of the image, or cause distortions of the image of an eye, problems with the film (retina) in the back or optic nerve.
There are loads of reasons for focusing problems. And without a good history, we need to know if this is new or lifelong. How old are you? Is this in one eye or both, or intermittent? Do you wear glasses which clear up the blurring? Has it been stated that you have a “lazy” eye? Is just the center vision unfocused, or the periphery as well? Is part of the vision of one eye obscured? Has anyone else in your family had any eye diseases or lost vision?
Roger Ohanesian, MD
Roger Ohanesian, MD