Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

What fruits should diabetics avoid?

I am a 40 year old female and I was diagnosed with diabetes. I want to change my diet to hopefully reverse this. What fruits should diabetics avoid?

9 Answers

Fruits are valuable sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. They contain water important for our hydration and they are naturally flavored with fructose and glucose. Sweetness differs among fruits. Tropical fruits and figs are high on the list of sugar content. Independent of our choice of fruit, fruit should not exceed one cup (serving) at the meal. It should always be part of a mixed meal with proportions of other nutrients i.e. protein, vegetables, starch on the plate as featured in my book: A Blueprint for Healthy Eating: Your Diet Guide for the New Millennium. A mixed meal ensures a smooth glucose response with or without medication.
No fruits should be avoided, but calories are the issue. So an apple for lunch with salad (with low cal dressing) is fine. Watermelon seems to really increase the glucose so watch out for it. A tiny portion is fine. So for dinner, how about 2 green veggies, a chicken leg and a half an apple.
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In general all the fruits that have high sugar content should be used less however avoidance is not the proper word. Moderation in all aspects of life is the key to health,fruits included
Think like this. Fruits that drip with juices are worse than those that do not drip. Apples are better than watermelons. Hope that makes sense
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that any unprocessed fruit is fine for a person with diabetes to eat as long as they are not allergic to the specific fruit. Fresh or frozen fruits are fine to eat. You should avoid processed fruits such as apple sauce or canned fruit. Processed fruits also include dried fruits and all fruit juices. For instance, one orange is fine whereas a glass of orange juice is not. The reason being it takes 4 to 8 medium size oranges to make one glass of orange juice. You wouldn’t normally eat 4 to 8 oranges at one time, would you? Of course not. However, you’d consume that much sugar with one glass of orange juice. Apples, pears, and plums are excellent fruits for diabetics to eat.
NONE! However, that being said, there are certain fruits to eat together and best times of day to eat them.
You should really avoid most fruits or make sure you eat them with fat to slow the release of sugar into your bloodstream. The sweetest fruits that you should definitely avoid are mango, pineapple, grapes, cherries, pears, figs, dates and banana.
There are none you need to completely avoid. Some are higher in calories & sugar than others so you should follow St. Paul's advice "Be temperate (moderate) in all things). Fruits with a sugar content include oranges, grapefruit, bananas, mangos & grapes. Eating the fruit itself rather than the juice is better since you will get some fiber that will help slow the absorption of the sugar. Apples, pears & related fruits are lower in sugar content (especially glucose) & contain more fructose that will not effect your blood sugar. Fructose does have calories so if you are trying to lose wt. the calories are still there. Please see a dietician who can give you a list of the sugar & calorie content a longer list of fruits than I have space for here. Good luck!