Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What happens if you blink during a cataract operation?

I am a 49 year old female. I want to know what happens if you blink during a cataract operation?

9 Answers

We numb your eye, you are also sedated, and we put a speculum in which holds your eyelids open. If you are a heavy forced blinker. We inject anesthetic around your eye which paralyzes your ability to blink. Anesthesia briefly puts you to sleep before we do this.
You will not blink during surgery because an instrument called a lid speculum will be used to hold your eyelids open.
You can’t really blink during the operation. We place a lid speculum to hold your eye open during the procedure. You generally just need to look straight ahead (at the light) and blink normally (don’t squeeze). The procedure only takes about 10-15 minutes, and blinking isn’t something you should generally be worried about. I’m sure it will go just fine.

Hope that helps,

Eric Downing, MD
A surgical instrument called a speculum, prevents you from blinking
No worries. Your cataract surgeon will be gently holding your eyelids open with a tiny retractor. Blinking is not an issue.
When cataract surgery is performed a tiny wire speculum or lid holder is placed inside your upper and lower lid of the eye being operated on.You cannot blink with this in place.
During cataract surgery a speculum to open the eyelids is placed by the surgeon. With the speculum in place one cannot blink.
Nothing happens as the eyelids are clamped
Hello, you should not be concerned about blinking during cataract surgery. Your doctor will have control of your eye and will use an instrument to keep your eye open.