“What is better a massage or chiropractor?”
I am a 38 year old male with muscle pain. What is better a massage or chiropractor?
19 Answers
That depends on the severity of injury both have many benefits and personally I recommend exploring both options to ensure you are not just treating symptoms but also treating the cause of the pain.
Personally, I’m always going to say chiropractic, because your brain and nervous system controls everything in your body and chiropractic helps to improve the health of your brain and nervous system. Massage is very helpful and so many other ways as well and I feel like it should be combined with chiropractic.
Both are great! Massage therapists relieve muscle tension while chiropractors restore mobility to the spine. Both have tremendous healing abilities. In our office massage therapists and chiropractors work in conjunction with each other.
I don’t believe one is better than another. One works with bones, one works with muscles and since bones and muscles work together to move our bodies, both modalities are beneficial and compliment each other.
Crystal Cinelli, LMT
Crystal Cinelli, LMT
Massage Therapists are soft tissue and muscle specialists, while chiropractors deal more with bones.
The quick answer is: both. Everyone responds differently to various treatment options. Why do you have muscle pain? Was it from a certain movement/activity? Is it a recurring issue that you've dealt with before? Is it more than just "muscle pain", perhaps stemming from a movement deficiency or other pathology? These are questions that should be investigated by a chiropractor to make sure you do in fact receive the best treatment for your condition, whether it be chiropractic, massage, both, or something else entirely. Good luck.
They work well together. I would recommend an adjustment first then massage so your nervous system receives the massage better. Remember the nerves supply function to the muscles!!
It's not what is better. It depends on what is causing the muscle pain. If the muscle pain is due to a tight or tense muscle, a simple massage may due the trick. If the pain is due to an injury or electrolyte deficiency, then chiropractic care might resolve the pain. Muscles are connected to joints and therefore should be of consideration.
You can benefit from both, massage to relax the muscles and chiropractic to realign your structure, therefore, putting your body in homeostasis.
Thank you.
You can benefit from both, massage to relax the muscles and chiropractic to realign your structure, therefore, putting your body in homeostasis.
Thank you.
I’ve been asked this question many times throughout my years of practice. And my answer has always been the same. Trying to differentiate which is better between Chiropractic and Massage therapy is like comparing apples and oranges. They are two totally different disciplines that commonly go hand-in-hand with one another and in fact one will enhance the other.
I have told my patients over the years that are musculoskeletal system is composed of many different facets. You have your muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, joints in the facia ties it all together. So when one thinks of utilizing massage to address the muscles, complementing that with Chiropractic therapy to address the joints is the perfect combination in attaining the more balanced and healthy musculoskeletal system.
And so the patients ask me which one is better in utilizing first and I usually answer by saying that getting a massage prior to visiting your chiropractor is probably the more preferable way to approach the situation. By doing so this allows the muscles to be completely relaxed thus allowing for a more fluid and gentle joint motion when undergoing various Chiropractic adjustments and manipulations. I hope this helps you with your question.
Thank you for your question
I have told my patients over the years that are musculoskeletal system is composed of many different facets. You have your muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, joints in the facia ties it all together. So when one thinks of utilizing massage to address the muscles, complementing that with Chiropractic therapy to address the joints is the perfect combination in attaining the more balanced and healthy musculoskeletal system.
And so the patients ask me which one is better in utilizing first and I usually answer by saying that getting a massage prior to visiting your chiropractor is probably the more preferable way to approach the situation. By doing so this allows the muscles to be completely relaxed thus allowing for a more fluid and gentle joint motion when undergoing various Chiropractic adjustments and manipulations. I hope this helps you with your question.
Thank you for your question
Great question. I love massage as a chiropractor for my tight achey muscles. But nothing give me more results and relief and healing than my chiropractic adjustments. If you have the time and the finances do both it’s a great combo.
If you have pain due to misalignment Chiropractic is needed. Massage complements Chiropractic treatments.
Either could potentially help you. I would go to www.activerelease.com and search Find a Provider. Active Release Technique, in my opinion, is the best technique for muscle pain. It is done by chiropractors and massage therapists.
Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS
Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS
Chiropractic and massage are not competitive. Chiropractic is a licensed doctor who does diagnosis and either preforms and/or recommends treatment. Massage is a treatment that the DC (Doctor of Chiropractic) may utilize. The question is what is causing the muscle pain and that requires diagnosis.
I would go check with a chiropractor as to why the muscles are causing you pain. If you roll an ankle, it swells and stiffens so you don't do more damage to it, the stiffness splints the area. In the back/neck, your muscles do the same thing. A lot of times I see muscle tightness/pain being your body's way to splint an underlying problem. Now if you find a good chiropractor, they should send you out for a massage if it's truly just a muscle problem.
Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
It depends what the cause of yours is. If the tight muscles are a result of the subluxated spine, then a chiropractor would be preferred.
This depends on what is causing the muscle pain. Is there an injury or do you work a physically demanding job, etc? Both massage and Chiropractic can be very helpful to you. You could start with massage and see what kind of relief you find. You can also ask the Massage Therapist if they think your body needs Chiropractic.