Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

What is the best diet for inflammatory bowel disease?

I am a 50 year old male and I have IBD. What is the best diet for inflammatory bowel disease?

3 Answers

The answer from the book is that what works for one person may not work for others. KEEP A FOOD DIARY, and record what seems to work for you. A multivitamin daily is an easy way to be sure you get the nutrients you need. Low-fiber foods seem to be safest, and it's a good idea to avoid milk products at least at first. Beyond that it's trial and error.
It is most important to look at the food you are consuming and figure out which ones cause you damage. There will be consistencies and types of foods that will lead to inflammation. However, to answer your question, green vegetables juiced together with apple and pear can help with the healing process. But if you do NOT stop eating the things that are causing the inflammation in the first place it won't matter what else you eat.
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Unfortunately, there is no answer to your question. Anyone who tells you differently does not have evidence to back up his claims. There are no high quality clinical trials that have demonstrated that a diet can improve the inflamed bowel. However, in children with IBD, an elemental diet does seem to help, but it is a difficult and unpalatable diet to follow. Several large studies are currently bring conducted. The specific carbohydrate diet is being tested, along with others. We all eagerly await the results.

For IBD, without other available information, eat a sensible healthy diet of whole foods, avoiding a lot of processed foods and excessive sugar. At the same time, don't rely on any diet to get the disease into remission: take the medications as advised by your GI doctor.