Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What is the best treatment for kyphosis?

I am a 38 year old male and I have kyphosis. What is the best treatment for kyphosis?

7 Answers

I prefer combining chiropractic adjustments with neck traction and specific neck exercises for that issue. Keep in mind that it will take six months to a year in most cases to reverse the kyphosis.
Seek your local chiropractor for farther evaluation. In my office, I would request an X-ray first for further evaluation.
Thank you.
Streching and strengthening exersices, attention to posture etc...
The best treatment for kyphosis at your age is to decrease the curvature by forcing the thoracic spine into a more extended position. First, stretching the spine paraspinal muscles and chest wall to promote more flexibility and then manipulation to have more effect on the ligaments
supporting the spine. Lying on your back on a large theraball and allowing the shoulders and back to extend backwards will also help. Exercising your lower traps and rhomboids can also be beneficial. I hope this info is helpful. Take care and be well.

Dr. Eric Miller-Orland Park, IL
There is a genetic component to spinal kyphosis and there should not be expectations of dramatic improvement but chiropractic care and therapeutic exercises have been shown to be reasonably effective for preventing the condition from worsening and keeping the spine as stable as possible.
Muscle work > strengthen the erector muscles of posterior spine. Look on you tube videos. PT. MD, Chiro, will just waste your money. It may take a few years, because this took at least 5 years to happen.
Wall Angel exercises are the best thing to undo kyphosis. Chest stretches are also beneficial.