“What is the difference between Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism?”
I am a 19 year old female. I want to know what is the difference between Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism?
5 Answers
Both conditions cause hypothyroidism, but Hashimoto disease is an autoimmune disease where antibodies form against the thyroid gland.
Hashimoto disease is autoimmune TPO disease. Hypothyroidism is decreased thyroid function. Hashimoto disease lead most of times to hypothyroidism as these Antibodies target the thyroid mainly.
Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone deficiency can lead to poor growth, low energy level, fatigue, dry skin, constipation, irregular periods, weight gain, cold intolerance, hair loss, joint pain, poor memory, depression etcetera. In America it is mostly caused by an autoimmune process called Hashimatos thyroiditis.
Hashimotos thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that damages the thyroid gland. It usually startes after the age of 5 years. It is more common in the older population. In children, the incidence rate of Hashimotos thyroiditis is about 1.5% per year while in adults it is about 3.5%. Hasimatos thyroiditis is an autoimmune destruction of the thyroid gland. This may lead to inadequate production of thyroid hormone, leading to hypothyroidism. This is not always true. You can have hashimatos thyroiditis but not develop hypothyroidism, though, hashimatos thyroiditis is the commmonest cause of hypothyriodism in the USA. Hashimotos thyroditis affects about 2% of the USA population. Hashimotos thyroiditis can affect many organs of the body with or without hypothyroidism. It can cause hives, encephalitis, encephalopathy, malaise, fatigue, brain fog, body aches, joint pain, muscle pain, low grade fevers, cold intolerance etc.
There are also other caused of hypothyroid such as iodine deficiency (the commonest cause in 3rd world countries), after surgical removal or ablation of the thyroid for various reasons, hypopitiutarism, pregnancy, medications, congenital thyroid problems, etcetera. Hypothyroidism can emerge slowly from few months to many years.
The prevalence of hypothyroidism is about 5% of the USA population. About 12% of the USA population have thyroud disorders with or without hypothyroidism such as goite, thyroid nodules, thyroid cysts, thyroid neoplasia etc.
Hypothyroidism is more common in females than males and is more common in the older age.
If frank hypothyroidism is left untreated it can lead to growth failure, abnormal period, heart problems, depression, chronic fatigue, joint pain, hair loss and many other medical issues including death.
Hashimatos thyroiditis with or without causing hypothyroidism can lead to the above mentioned symptoms as well. Hashimatos thyroiditis may or may not cause hypothyroidis and hypothyroidism can occur independent of hashimatos thyroiditis without autoimmune process.
The symptoms of hypothyroidism and hashimatos thyroiditis should be treated well. Even though some hypothyroid patients may go in to remission after some time, the true hypothyroid patients need to be treated life time. Treatment is essential to maintain a healthy body and prevent the above mentioned complications.
Good Luck
Hashimotos thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that damages the thyroid gland. It usually startes after the age of 5 years. It is more common in the older population. In children, the incidence rate of Hashimotos thyroiditis is about 1.5% per year while in adults it is about 3.5%. Hasimatos thyroiditis is an autoimmune destruction of the thyroid gland. This may lead to inadequate production of thyroid hormone, leading to hypothyroidism. This is not always true. You can have hashimatos thyroiditis but not develop hypothyroidism, though, hashimatos thyroiditis is the commmonest cause of hypothyriodism in the USA. Hashimotos thyroditis affects about 2% of the USA population. Hashimotos thyroiditis can affect many organs of the body with or without hypothyroidism. It can cause hives, encephalitis, encephalopathy, malaise, fatigue, brain fog, body aches, joint pain, muscle pain, low grade fevers, cold intolerance etc.
There are also other caused of hypothyroid such as iodine deficiency (the commonest cause in 3rd world countries), after surgical removal or ablation of the thyroid for various reasons, hypopitiutarism, pregnancy, medications, congenital thyroid problems, etcetera. Hypothyroidism can emerge slowly from few months to many years.
The prevalence of hypothyroidism is about 5% of the USA population. About 12% of the USA population have thyroud disorders with or without hypothyroidism such as goite, thyroid nodules, thyroid cysts, thyroid neoplasia etc.
Hypothyroidism is more common in females than males and is more common in the older age.
If frank hypothyroidism is left untreated it can lead to growth failure, abnormal period, heart problems, depression, chronic fatigue, joint pain, hair loss and many other medical issues including death.
Hashimatos thyroiditis with or without causing hypothyroidism can lead to the above mentioned symptoms as well. Hashimatos thyroiditis may or may not cause hypothyroidis and hypothyroidism can occur independent of hashimatos thyroiditis without autoimmune process.
The symptoms of hypothyroidism and hashimatos thyroiditis should be treated well. Even though some hypothyroid patients may go in to remission after some time, the true hypothyroid patients need to be treated life time. Treatment is essential to maintain a healthy body and prevent the above mentioned complications.
Good Luck
Hypothyroidism simply means that the thyroid gland has quite functioning without saying why it has quit. There are many reasons why the thyroid quits. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is one of the causes of hypothyroid. In Hashimoto's disease, the immune system goes bonkers and attacks the thyroid cells & destroys them thus the thyroid can't produce thyroid hormone=hypothyroid. You can have Hashimoto's & early the gland may enlarge but you may not have low thyroid or hypothyroid yet. Further you can have hypothyroid from a variety of causes such as a germ or virus infection, a poorly functioning pituitary gland, old age, cancer or several other diseases. So you can have Hashimoto's without hypothyroid or hypothyroid without Hashimoto's. Hashimoto's the is a cause and hypothyroid is the result. Hope this clears it up.