Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

What is the fastest way to raise low blood sugar?

I am a 49 year old female and I have low blood sugar. What is the fastest way to raise low blood sugar?

4 Answers

Hard candy.
The “rule of 15” is commonly used as a guideline for treatment: After checking your blood glucose level with your meter and seeing that your level is under 70 mg/dl, consume 15 grams of carbohydrate, wait about 15 minutes, then recheck your blood glucose level.
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The fastest way is to have some fruit juice if available; The best way to prevent low blood sugar is to eat small frequent meals, never longer than 3 hours between a meal or snack.
The fastest way to bring up blood sugar (BS) is intravenous glucose (IVG). If you have diabetes, the 2nd best way is IV or sub-cutaneous glucagon (there is now a new form of glucagon that can be giver intranasal). Then eat some carbohydrate & protein ( we have had good success with mild hypog. in kids at camp with a mixture of peanuts & raisins. You can also use high sugar foods such as orange or grape juice or glucose tablets you can buy over the counter. If you have non-diabetic hypoglycemia, see your Dr. as you could have an insulin secreting tumor of the pancreas. This can be removed to solve the problem. For treatment of this problem, just eat something with high sugar. As above juices, candy, regular soda pop, glucose tablets, etc. DON'T overdo it. We tend to eat too much sugar foods when we are low & then go high. 20 grms. (2 glucose tablets) or equivalent is all you need. If you take too much you will go high and that stimulates more insulin secretion which will make you go low again. So up & down like a roller-coaster. So don't "pig out" on high sugar foods. Another good thing to take in moderation, regardless of the kind of hypog. you have, is honey, and it tastes good, too.