Pain Management Specialist Questions knee pain

What medications can I take for chronic knee pain?

I am a 38 year old female with chronic knee pain. What medications can I take for chronic knee pain?

5 Answers

Anti inflammatiories,cortisone injections, ice exercise to the quads and gel injections are usually first line treatment.

Dr. P
Any NSAID to start then consider Steroid steroids or Orthovisc
In your age group, PRP is best. Alternatives are Meloxicam due to synovial concentration of this NSAID.
if there is no mechanical problem can be fixed surgically, either neuropathic pain medication with NSAIDs ( like Ibuprofen, etc.) if not responding to conservative management, a trial of block to the knee sensory branches for 24 hours if you improve by 80% during the trial time will follow with radiofrequency ablation for longevity pain relief about 6-18 Months of pain relief