Naturopath Questions Naturopath

What natural remedies are good for stomach pain?

I am a 40 year old male. I want to know what natural remedies are good for stomach pain?

8 Answers

Stomach pain is important to diagnose. The treatment varies depending on the cause. Uf ulcers are a cause, then it should be evaluated and treated with medications. If you have stomach pain due to acid, bloating or gas, or something similar, it could be due to food intolerance, malabsorption and something more chronic. If that situation you would want further testing to rule in and out serious medical conditions. However things like glutamine and ginger can be useful for occasional abdominal upset.
It depends WHY you are having stomach pain. It can be erosion of the GE junction or spasm or ulcer or cramps, - so you need to consult.
Mastic gum, seacure, peppermint, ginger, and fennel combo.

Dr. Liz: 361-212-5800
First of all, you have to see a doctor in order to rule out any critical conditions that require immediate surgical intervention. If nothing critical, usually stomach pains caused by gases. Read the following article for details:
There are various natural remedies for stomach pain. However, it's important to first determine what is causing that stomach pain in the first place and treat accordingly.
Hello! I am sorry you are dealing with that. Without knowing your background or other symptoms, it's hard to properly give you a treatment plan. I would suggest evaluating your diet and hydration levels. Additionally, if you are experiencing any other troubling symptoms such as a fever, topical stomach pain, if the area is hot to the touch or swollen, please contact your GP as soon as possible. Feel better!
Digestion and abdominal pain can often be treated very well with diet changes and various oral supplementation. At times, we may recommend various lab tests or referrals to specialists when appropriate. We cannot recommend any treatments unless someone is already a patient here at our clinic.
For stomach pain, I utilize several supplements as well as diet/lifestyle medicine. It depends entirely on the cause, which can be discerned via history during your appointment.