Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions knee pain

What should I do for son's chronic knee pain?

My son's knee has been hurting him for a couple of months now. It hurts when he bends it and puts pressure on it. Should he see a doctor?

6 Answers

You should definitely consult a physician.
Of course he should see an orthopedist. Without a history/examination/diagnostic studies, it is difficult to know exactly what the problem is. Could be several different causes - sprain, OCD, etc.
I'll bet he has Osgood-Schlatter's disease. This is a no-big-deal inflammation of the patella tendon. Read about it on google. Try rest and Advil and limitation of activities. If he doesn't get better, then see an orthopedic specialist. I personally had it from 13-20 years of age because of constant sports playing.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
He should definitely see a doctor. I am assuming your son is a child or a teenager. He should see a doctor, an orthopedic specialist, ASAP and probably get an MRI.

Best regards,

Nicola Fabbri
Based on this information, he should see an orthopedic surgeon.
Yes, if it has been hurting for a couple of months, you should get it evaluated.