“What's the best painkiller for tooth extraction?”
Will I be given painkillers after my tooth extraction? Which painkiller is the best one for tooth-extraction related pain, or will I be okay with just ibuprofen?
5 Answers
Easiest thing is to take 2 extra strength tylenol together with 3 advil every 4- 6 hours. You must take it consistently whether is hurts or not to be effective.
The movement is toward non-narcotic post op pain medications. For my patients, I recommend alternating Ibuprofen with acetaminophen(Tylenol) every 4 hours. Most of the time, the decision to prescribe a narcotic analgesic is made based on the clinical judgment of the provider extracting the tooth. If you have concerns voice them prior to starting so, your provider can explain how they usually handle post-op discomfort. Hopefully the tooth comes out nice and easy and your recovery is uneventful.
Justin W. Ruffner, DDS
Justin W. Ruffner, DDS
Trust your surgeon to prescribe an appropriate pain medicine based on the difficulty of the extraction.