“When should I see a doctor for heel pain?”
I am a 47 year old female and I have heel pain. When should I see a doctor for heel pain?
15 Answers
Hi, if your heel pain has been around a couple of weeks without going away or improving you should see your doctor
I would see a doctor asap. one to determine the cause, two to determine if a bone spur is present, three to get treatment options. Pain is not normal, and usually doesn't go away by itself.
As soon as possible. There are several conditions that can produce the symptom of heel pain and most the longer it is left untreated the harder it becomes to treat.
Heel pain is tricky and can linger for a long time so do recommend seeing someone sooner than later for this to get proper treatment.
You should see a doctor right away for evaluation and treatment. Most commonly it starts when someone recently gained weight, or of course with a recent trauma/injury. It could also be part of other groups of condition or syndromes.
Obviously, I cannot, and should not try to diagnose you over the internet. But, one good way to start is by stretching your calfs and your foot muscles, there are lots of great calf stretches and I found that 75% of people with "plantar fasciitis" and "calcaneal tendinitis" get better with good calf stretching. If that dosent help, then yes, a good physical therapist or physiatrist can help you
Today. You don't have to live with it. Its an easy fix. Most common diagnosis i see in my practice is heel pain.
You should see a doctor for your heel pain if the pain is interfering with your daily activity level or other activities.
If your heel pain is not improving after a week or two with rest, icing, anti-inflammatories. Or, if the pain is getting worse, see your doc
I would recommend you make an appointment sooner than later, as heel pain can have multiple causes. An accurate diagnosis will be the first step to getting you on the road to recovery
Yes you should. Heel pain can occur from having a spur, plantar fasciitis or a heel stress fracture. In any of these cases having a baseline set of x-rays can help to diagnose your problem.