“When should I take my child to the doctor for an ear infection?”
My daughter is 10 years old. She has an ear infection. When should I take my child to the doctor for an ear infection?
7 Answers
Hello, yes you should definitely take your child in if they are experiencing ear pain. Ear infections could be bacterial and they require antibiotics that need to be prescribed by child’s doctor.
Most ear infections in this age group may resolve on their own but you seek medical attention if she has severe or prolonged symptoms including fever over 101 degrees F, pain unresposive to OTC analgesics like Tylenol or Ibuprofen, symptoms persist for more than 2 days or if she has been swimming a lot.
There are different types of "ear infections" and not all ear pain is an ear "infection." Any child having ear pain for more than 24 hours should be seen by a pediatrician so that a proper diagnosis may be made. Infections of the external ear canal can be very painful and are usually treated with prescription ear drops. Bulging and/or red ear drums usually represent an infectious process in the middle ear, but may not necessarily be caused by bacteria, so antibiotics may not be necessary (or even helpful). In the order age groups, complaint of ear pain is often "referred" pain from a sore throat -- and strep must be considered in the diagnosis. If your child has both ear pain and a temperature > 100.5, s/he should see a pediatrician right away.
Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP
Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP
Would recommend taking her sooner. It would be important to make the proper diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment ASAP to avoid any worsening and continued pain.
If she starts running a fever or any feeling of dizziness, any complaint of loss of balance. Or pain is lasting for more than three days, difficulty hearing.
Thank you go the question. Some children may have ear pain, but not necessarily an ear infection. Ear infections can be a middle ear infection that may need antibiotics or an external ear infection like "swimmers ear." When to take your child to the doctor: if there is a fever, discharge from the ear, or severe pain. To help with pain, acetaminophen or ibuprofen may
be used.
be used.