Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

When should you go to the ER for tachycardia?

I am a 41 year old male and I have tachycardia. When should you go to the ER for tachycardia?

6 Answers

You should go to the ER with tachycardia if you are feeling dizzy or lightheaded or if you are passing out.
If the heart rate is causing chest pain or shortness of breath, or if consistently rapid above 120, then urgent medical attention should be sought. In general, a resting heart rate should be less than 100, and it is even lower, close to 60 in more younger and fit individuals.
You should be seen by cardiologist. If you develop an emergency, then you can get temporary relief by going to the ER.
If you have ongoing tachycardia, you should see a cardiologist ASAP.  He or she can sort out the cause and prescribe the best treatment and provide follow-up.
Heart rate over 120 and lightheaded/ dizzy. 
Chest pain, short of breath, light headed