Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

Why am I hearing double sounds in my ear?

I am a male age 21. I have been starting to hear a double sound in one ear, whenever I speak or someone else speaks. It's from yesterday. There is no pain, no swelling or anything in the left ear, just echo sound, which is making me uncomfortable. I had a problem with my middle ear when I was a kid, but the doctor said it's okay. But whenever I get a cold my left ear gets a little sensitive. Yesterday, I felt a little uncomfortable after eating spicy fish, and sometimes after I start hearing a double sound. Should I go for a checkup or is it normal? Any other suggestions? Thanks.

Male | 20 years old
Medications: Nothing
Conditions: 1 day

1 Answer

Diplacusis. Usually the result of noise induced hearing loss, e.g. explosion. Also, can occur after head injury, etc.