“Why does my dental bridge hurt?”
I am a 49 year old female. My dental bridge hurts. What could be the cause?
8 Answers
Several possibilities. Some are:
1. The pontic (missing tooth replacement) is pressing against the gum (edentulous area)
2.The abutment teeth (teeth supporting the bridge) can be infected, i.e., needing a root canal
1. The pontic (missing tooth replacement) is pressing against the gum (edentulous area)
2.The abutment teeth (teeth supporting the bridge) can be infected, i.e., needing a root canal
There could be several reasons but the most common one is incorrect bite after the bridge is cemented in the mouth. If the bridge is too high, the extra biting force will produce discomfort or even pain. This can be easily check and adjusted making the symptoms quickly disappear. Other causes are more difficult to diagnose and in severe cases root canal treatment will be required.
The tooth under your bridge can have a cavity! Or it could be from the gums, Do you floss under the bridge? Also it can be cause by grinding! Need to see a dentist for diagnosis.
Is your bridge fixed (cemented in place) or removable? What causes it to hurt? How long does the pain last? Does the pain ever come for no reason?
Give answers to these questions to your dentist and he/she will be more able to give you possible answers
Give answers to these questions to your dentist and he/she will be more able to give you possible answers
It is not advisable to get implants while you have periodontitis. You should get that gum disease under control. If bayou don’t follow through with the necessary steps needed to control or eliminate the gym disease, chances are very high that you will get Peri-implatitis and your implant will fail.
Teeth that support a bridge will hurt for any reason that a crown or a tooth will ache. Problems range from decay, gum disease, bite being high etc. it is important to clean the teeth on the either side of your pontic ( fake tooth). If it is not cleaned, it can cause pain.