Speech Pathologists Questions Speech Pathologist

Will a lisp go away on its own?

I am a 29 year old male. I want to know will a lisp go away on its own?

6 Answers

Hi there. No, a lisp will not go away on its own. It will take therapy and practice to help your lisp go away.
Probably not.
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Very unlikely. You should get some speech therapy. Good luck
If you are 29 and have a lisp, it will not go away on its own
I cannot speak to the idea of a lisp just going away on its own because that is not something I have seen nor done research on . My clients that have worked with me to address their lisp came on their own to participate in sessions and were diligent about completing their homework tasks. A lisp is something you can work on altering to a more normalized speech with a speech language pathologist. Definitely check out the Pam Marshalla youtube clips on exercises to address lisp. You can also try to identify frontal vs. lateral lisp and see a local speech language pathologist at a private practice for an assessment!

I recommend attending speech therapy as it will help you identify and correct your sound errors.

Ali Matisse, MS CCC-SLP