Urologist Questions Urologist

Will my son be ok?

My son injected water and air into his penis last night. Today he hurts and says it hurts to pee and feels like he needs to be all the time. I took him into immediate care where the doc says he should be fine. Now I feel worried that he could die after reading stuff on the internet. The doc said to drink water and cranberry juice. She examined him and he looks fine. They did a UTI and at this point, they don't have the results. That was 2 hours ago. My son is 32 with high functioning Autism and lives with me. As of now, I know he is starting to feel a bit better now that he has Advil in him. Any advice?

Male | 32 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Conditions: Autism

6 Answers

The doctor has managed him correctly. Yes, most likely there should be no long-term bad results. He is irritated from what he has done, but should resolved in time, as long as he does not have an infection.
Best wishes.
He should recover without any issues. If his urine culture comes back positive, he should be prescribed antibiotics. Should he develop any swelling or redness, increasing pain in the penis, he should be re-evaluated.
As long as there is no bleeding, I think he will be OK. Increase fluid intake and watch him for a few days; if no improvement, take him to a urologist.
Yes, he should be fine as long as the urine test was negative and he isn't having abdominal pain. Just keep an eye on him for increasing signs of distress or infection. If he placed a lot of water/air and he has some pelvic distension, then he needs further work up. The most important thing is to try to prevent this from happening again. It is not good to put anything in the urethra unless medically necessary. Talk to him and try to find out why he did it.
The good news is I agree with the urgent care doctor. As long as he did not instrument himself and cause any bleeding, then he should be fine. Currently, he is having urethritis from the irritation from the injected solution. This should clear over the next few days.

Dr. Niko Lailas
How did inject the water, through the urethra? Be careful that he’s not inserting other foreign objects also. If any symptoms persist ina few day needs an x ray to rule it out