“Will wearing my glasses improve my vision?”
My doctor said if I wear my glasses for at least six months, about six hours per day, my eyesight will become normal again. Is that true?
6 Answers

Jason Randall Smith
This may be a difficult question to answer because there are several factors involved. Your age is a factor depending upon your prescription and your exact numbers. Are there any medical conditions that can affect your eyes? Are you taking any medications that may affect your eyes? Whether your eyesight will improve or stabilize also will depend upon if you are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism?
I would definitely follow your eye doctor’s plan for the near future and follow his or her’s instructions. Good luck and best wishes.
I would definitely follow your eye doctor’s plan for the near future and follow his or her’s instructions. Good luck and best wishes.
No. Not sure if you are referring to having a “lazy eye”. Wearing glasses can improve vision in some cases of patients who have poor vision in one or both eyes if they did not get the proper visual stimulus and clarity to their brain prior to this. This depends on many variables including the severity of the vision loss, the age of the patient, compliance, etc. sometimes patching may be required to force the lazy eye to improve slowly. Talk to your doctor and ask them to explain what they mean. Sounds like they need to explain your particular situation to you.
It depends: If it’s described to correct a muscle, then yes. If it’s to correct near or far sight, then no.