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What is my life expectancy after two units of red blood cell transfusion?

I’m wondering what the long-term life expectancy is if I receive two units of red blood cell transfusions from a bleeding ulcer.

How bad is 46 HDL for a woman?

I'm 40 years old female. I quit smoking 2 weeks ago with the patch. Im 5'3" 135lbs. I started jogging & eating mainly plant-based about 2 months ago. I went for my yearly exam....

My AST/ALT ratio?

My blood work results today show an AST of 40 and an ALT of 39. ALP, Bilirubin, and Albumin are all in the middle of the reference ranges. What has me so worried is that I read...

Can you have a healthy pregnancy with anemia?

I have anemia and I am pregnant. Can you have a healthy pregnancy with anemia?

Is my CBC count normal?

All CBC counts are within normal limits except for monocytes is 3. 3% when the normal range is 4. 4-12.

The results of my liver function test?

I received results from routine bloodwork. AST = 40, ALT - 39. Should I be worried?

Does this affect PSA score?

Today, I had a dre 5 minutes prior to having blood taken for PSA and just wondering if the dre can affect the PSA score?

Would taking Omeprazole before a blood test affect the results for cholesterol?

Basically, my doctor wants me to get blood work to test my cholesterol and wants me to be fast. Would taking the omeprazole in the morning affect the results?

What is the right supplementation to give my 8 year old?

My 8 year old daughter weighs 60 pounds and is very anemic. The dr sent her home with ferrous sulfate (as ferrous sulfate heptahydrate) 220mg (equivalent to 44mg iron) per 5ml....

Could all of this have come with the mono?

My son had mono 3 years ago since that time he has stayed sick. He has random fevers, stomach aches, nosebleeds, and bone pain. His white blood count is 2. 9. Could all of this...

Can acupuncture help with blood circulation?

I have poor blood circulation. Does acupuncture help with blood circulation?

What does "Leukocytes, UA 1+ A" mean?

I want to know what does the results "Leukocytes, UA 1+ A" mean?

Is this ok before a blood transfusion?

l had Aml leukemia and stem cell transplant from a donor on Sept 28, 2016. I have been taking cellcept and I got graft vs host disease in July 2021 I started taking 10mg 0f Jakafi....

What condition do I have?

Hi, I have struggled with blood-related issues for half a decade. I am 29, no prior history of cancer. I have some past allergies but got over them as an adult. I have been...

What can be the cause of low platelet count?

I have a low platelet count. Is it serious? What could be the cause?

How long do you stay in hospital with a blood clot?

I was diagnosed with a blood clot and will go to the hospital. How long do you stay in hospital with a blood clot?

What is the fastest way to increase your iron levels?

I have low iron levels and want to fix it. What is the fastest way to increase your iron levels?

Do I have leukemia?

I have headaches, cough, dizziness, blackout, irregular menstruation, back pain, and chest pain.

Mutations in beta globin chain?

My son's (3 year old) genetic blood work resulted in two beta gene mutations of IVS1+110 (G>A)and IVS1. 6 (T>C). They expect they are heterozygous but don't know whether the...

Can I donate blood?

I tried to donate blood at the local hospital and after 3 tries (3 different nurses) they could not draw blood from my left arm vein. What could have caused that? I usually donate...

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