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Will an ovarian dermoid cyst grow back after removal?

I'm 40 years old, and I had a dermoid cyst on my left ovary that I had surgically removed. Is it possible for an ovarian dermoid cyst go grow back after removal?

Can at-home pregnancy tests be wrong?

My period was late so I took multiple (3) at-home pregnancy tests, which all came back positive. But then, I took a pregnancy blood test, which came back negative. How is this...

Infertility and overdoses?

Can overdosing on pills make you infertile? I overdosed on 40 proporanolol and about 17 Tylenol. Did that make me infertile?

When can I not fly while pregnant?

My husband wants us to go on vacation during my pregnancy, and right now I'm 15 weeks pregnant. Is it okay to fly? How many weeks or months can I fly up to?

When should I start taking my birth control pills?

I was prescribed Lo Estrin Fe for birth control and my doctor told me that I can start taking my pills at any time. But, I also read that I should start my pill pack when my period...

Do I need to remove ovarian cysts?

I'm 40, and my doctor diagnosed me with ovarian cysts and my doctor only wants to monitor them. Would I need to have my ovarian cysts surgically removed?

Why do I have a painful lump on my breast?

I'm 21 years old, and have zero history of breast cancer. However, the other day, I discovered that I have a lump on my left breast that hurts whenever I apply pressure to it....

What can I do for endometriosis pain?

I'm 24 years old and my doctor just recently diagnosed me with endometriosis. She wants me to use OTC medicine and heating pads to relieve the pain. Is there anything else I...

Why do I still have pelvic pain after ovarian cyst was drained?

I'm 47 years old, and my ovarian cyst was drained 2 years ago. I still am experiencing some pelvic pain, even 2 years after my procedure. Is this normal?

Why am I unable to regulate my menstrual cycle?

I'm a 22-year-old woman and my period is irregular. I start bleeding before I am supposed to get my period (sometimes a week) and it ends at varying times (sometimes 4 days, other...

Why can't I get pregnant?

I'm 28, and I'm unable to get pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for over a year and I still haven't gotten pregnant. What doctor should I see? What tests must be done?...

Why do I always get a cold when I have my period?

I'm 30 years old. I notice that every time I'm within a week of getting my period, I start to come down with cold symptoms. Why does this happen? Does this happen to other women,...

How can I get rid of a yeast infection that occurs during my period?

I'm 31 years old, and I think I keep getting yeast infections during my period (I'm usually really itchy down there throughout my menstrual cycle), and I don't know what to do....

Trying to get pregnant for about 1 year but still no luck.

My partner and I have been trying to conceive but have had no luck. I have not been to a doctor but my family has no record of not being able to conceive as most of them had children...

What does high blood pressure during pregnancy mean?

I'm 32 and in my first trimester of pregnancy. I just took my own blood pressure and found that it's higher than it used to be. What does high blood pressure during pregnancy...

What is LSIL?

My OB-GYN just told me that my pap smear indicated an LSIL result and wants me to now have a colposcopy if my next PAP comes back abnormal. What does LSIL typically mean?

How do a partial and full hysterectomy differ?

I'm 36 and I was just diagnosed with uterine cancer. My doctors are trying to determine whether a partial or full hysterectomy will be necessary. What is the difference, other...

Does pregnancy affect my hair's texture?

I'm in my second trimester of pregnancy and I noticed that the texture of my hair is changing and becoming more thinner and finer. Does pregnancy normally affect hair texture?...

Is vaginitis possible without vaginal discharge?

I think I have symptoms of vaginitis, like itchiness and irritation, but I don't have any abnormal discharge. Does vaginitis usually have vaginal discharge?

How do the patch and birth control pills differ?

I usually use condoms as birth control, but I want to use something better. I'm not sure which direction I should go in though. It seems like the patch and the pill offer the...

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