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Are Seasonique birth control pills and cystitis related?

I'm 29, and I've been taking Seasonique birth controls for a couple of months. I haven't had any problems with them so far. However, I recently was diagnosed with cystitis after...

What causes myoma?

I'm only 32 years old and my doctor diagnosed me with myoma. My fibroids are not large and are benign; they mainly cause heavy periods. What usually causes myoma?

What causes whiteheads on breasts after childbirth?

After my child was born, I noticed that I developed whiteheads on my breasts. What causes whiteheads to be on a woman's breasts after childbirth?

Does a uterine biopsy affect my menstrual cycle?

My partner and I have been having trouble conceiving. My doctor recommended a uterine biopsy to help diagnose the problem. Does a uterine biopsy affect my menstrual cycle?

What causes excessive clotting during periods?

During my period, I've been passing large menstrual clots for the first two or three days. What causes this?

Can the flu cause a miscarriage?

I am 6 months pregnant. I'm worried about how the flu vaccine would affect my baby, but I know I have to avoid the flu while pregnant because I know the disease can harm the baby....

Are swollen glands during pregnancy normal?

I'm 4 months pregnant with my first child and I noticed that my glands look swollen. Are swollen glands normal during pregnancy?

At what age do women start menopause?

I'm 47 years old and I have been bleeding for nearly a month straight. I know that this is a sign of menopause. What's the average age menopause begins?

How many types of vaginal bacterial infections exist?

I'm 30 years old, and I've had a vaginal infection for the past couple of weeks. I'm trying to fight it off with home remedies. However, it doesn't seem to be working and this...

What is adenomyosis?

I'm 27 years old, and I recently had an ultrasound to see why I was having issues with my period and intercourse. They said I had adenomyosis. What is this, and is it serious?...

Can you get pregnant after a partial hysterectomy?

I'm 32 years old, and my doctor told me that it might be necessary to have a partial hysterectomy for a uterine tumor that I have. I still want children though. Is it possible...

Should women get regular ultrasounds?

I know a lot of women do not get them regularly, but I wouldn't have known I had a tumor if it wasn't discovered by an ultrasound. Does it make sense to get them more often to...

What is an retroverted uterus?

During my last ultrasound, my doctor told me that I had a retroverted uterus and that it may cause some problems if I wanted to have children. Why is my uterus positioned like...

How soon after a hysterectomy can I be physically active?

I had a hysterectomy for uterine cancer last month, and I seem to be healing properly. At what time do you think it's okay to resume my physical activities, like swimming?

Does pregnancy cause constipation?

I'm 5 months pregnant with my first child, and I don't know exactly what to expect. But I have had trouble with my bowel movements. Does pregnancy cause constipation?

How large do hypoechoic lesions get?

Recently, I had a routine mammogram with some abnormal results. My doctor found a 'hypoechoic lesion', which he described as a big dark spot. What does this lesion mean for me?...

What causes sharp stomach pains during pregnancy?

I'm 4 months pregnant, and I've been getting strange, sharp stomach pain. They usually come and go, but they concern me. What could be causing them to happen?

How should a pregnant woman's skin care routine change?

I'm trying to find a clear plan for dealing with the ongoing hormonal impacts of pregnancy on the skin. How my skin care routine change?

Is fluid on the pelvis bad for you?

After experiencing some symptoms, my doctor told me that it looked and felt like I had fluid in my pelvis. He wants me to get some tests so to be sure. Is fluid in the pelvis...

How does IVF work?

My husband and I have been trying hard to get pregnant and have tried other fertility treatments. Now we are considering IVF. How exactly does IVF work, though?

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