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Is physical therapy good after a broken ankle?

I broke my ankle and wear a cast. Is physical therapy good after a broken ankle?

Muscle issue after neck injury?

After a recent neck injury, I have completely lost the muscle in my left arm.

Can a bone bruise hide a tear in your knee?

In April of 2018, I dislocated my kneecap, it took over a month to get an MRI to see what I did. Where I described the pain my doctor said it sounded like a torn meniscus. The...

I have arm pain after exercising?

After working out two days ago, my left arm started hurting when I move it, especially in my upper arm when I touch it. There is some tingling. Yesterday, it hurts more. My...

Hip bone fractures?

My dad is 90 years old, he fell and damaged his hip bone. He can't move because he's in pain. The doctor's advice is to have an operation to put back the damaged bone. My family...

My heel is hurting?

My heel has been hurting for over a month. It hurts worse in the morning when I wake up and after prolonged rest or walking.

How physiotherapy helps arthritis?

I have arthritis and want to treat it. How physiotherapy helps arthritis?

Which therapy is best for a sports injury?

I got a leg injury yesterday and want to treat it. Which therapy is best for a sports injury?

What does this mean?

My doctor has put this on my sick line: musculoskeletal. What does this mean?

Foot drop?

I've had foot drop for over 40 years. What is the best kind of brace for this condition?

Rotator cuff injury?

I had a work injury recently where I hurt my shoulder taking down a pallet from a stack of pallets and went to the doctor. They did an MRI and found a small tear on the back of...

Elbow pain?

I have a small bump on my left elbow. I can touch it with no pain but a little pressure makes it hurt. It's small like a bb maybe and feels like it is right on top of the bone....

Neck pain?

I’ve had pain in my upper back around the trap/upper shoulder blade on the left side for several days. The weird thing is several friends of mine have the same problem in the...

Can a car drive cause hip pain?

I have hip pain while driving. Can a car drive cause hip pain?

Do you need physical therapy after hip surgery?

I will have hip surgery. Do you need physical therapy after hip surgery?

Can tennis elbow be treated by physiotherapy?

I have tennis elbow and want to treat it. Can tennis elbow be treated by physiotherapy?

Can my foot rotation cause hip problems?

I have been experiencing mild hip pain on the outside of my right hip. Mostly when I lay on it and it feels a lot like a burning sensation. I noticed my right foot, when sitting...

Is physical therapy effective after ankle surgery?

I will have ankle surgery. Is physical therapy effective after ankle surgery?

Do you need physical therapy after a broken foot surgery?

I broke my foot 2 weeks ago. Do you need physical therapy after broken foot surgery?

Can you regain movement after brain surgery?

I will have brain surgery. Can you regain movement after the brain surgery?

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