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What supplements help seniors with anxiety?

My 72 year old mother has intense anxiety. What supplements help seniors with anxiety?

What is the best medicine for stress?

My elderly father is anxious all the time. What is the best medicine for stress?

Can excessive gas be a sign of something serious?

My elderly father has really excessive gas and bloating. I want to know if excessive gas can be a sign of something serious?

Is it normal for a parent's illness to cause marriage problems?

My husband and I have been disagreeing nonstop on how to treat my mother's pancreatic cancer. I think she needs hospice care eventually and he disagrees with hospice. What should...

What does it mean when seniors "sundown"?

I am a 29 year old female. I hear that my grandpa is "sundowning". What does it mean when seniors "sundown"?

How does geriatric psychiatry help the elderly?

I am a 29 year old female. I was wondering how does geriatric psychiatry help the elderly?

When do you put someone with dementia in a home?

My 82 year old father has increasingly bad dementia. When do you put someone with dementia in a home?

How to help a family member with dementia?

My father is 82 and has severe dementia. We are not sure how to help him. How to help a family member with dementia?

Why is it so difficult to put your parent into hospice care?

I am a 59 year old male. I know I need to put my mother into hospice care but I can't do it. Why is it so difficult to put your parent into hospice care?

What are the benefits of hospice care?

My mother's doctor is suggesting hospice care for my mother at her end of life. What are the benefits of hospice care?

Do people with dementia get geriatric depression?

I have a mother with dementia. Can she get geriatric depression or does she not know? Do people with dementia get geriatric depression?

How to manage health problems without asking for help?

I am a 74 year old female with some health problems, but I don't want to burden my family. How to manage health problems without asking for help?

What lifestyle changes prevent Alzheimer's?

I am a 28 year old female and I have a family history of Alzheimer's. What lifestyle changes prevent Alzheimer's?

Do Alzheimer patients know they have it?

I am a 39 year old female. I want to know if Alzheimer patients know they have it?

Can elderly people take the flu shot?

My mother is 76 and wants the flu shot. Can elderly people take the flu shot?

Why do some senior citizens avoid seeing the doctor?

My mother is 82 and she doesn't want to see a doctor. She refuses and would rather not go. Why do some senior citizens avoid seeing the doctor?

How serious is geriatric depression?

My mother was diagnosed with geriatric depression. Is this a phase? How serious is geriatric depression?

How is a geriatric psychiatrist different from a normal psychiatrist?

My 78 year old mother wants to speak to someone about her dementia. I wonder how is a geriatric psychiatrist different from a normal psychiatrist?

Are senior citizens more likely to develop depression?

My 78 year old father seems to be depressed. He doesn't want to leave the house. Are senior citizens more likely to develop depression?

How do you talk to your parent about going to hospice?

My mother is in really bad shape and her doctors recommended hospice care. How do I talk to her about this? e?

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