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No peristalsis, floppy colon- what can help?

All my life, I moved my bowels ,2-3 times a day. When I was 27 I had my first bout of constipation and have had issues ever since. I am super healthy, work out everyday, drink...

Eggs and flu shots

Why am I asked if I am allergic to eggs when I get a flu shot?

When to go in?

I just got over a cold and now I have a hard time breathing, it feels like I cant catch my breath and my stomach hurts from coughing so much and I'm coughing so hard it makes my...

Vasovagal syncope getting worse

i have always been a fainter since I have been young- typically induced by pain such as my period cramps or abdominal pain. Over the last couple of years though, I have had many...

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